



Download all data

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select data

Fill the forms (1)-(3), and then push the bottom.

(1)Define the Region
Define the region by one of the following three methods:
rectangular box image Top-Right Corner
Galactic Longitude
(0 ≤ l < 360deg)
Galactic Latitude
(-40 ≤ b ≤ 40deg)
Bottom-Left Corner
Galactic Longitude
(0 ≤ l < 360deg)
Galactic Latitude
(-40 ≤ b ≤ 40deg)

rectangular box image
Center Coordinates
Galactic Longitude
(0 ≤ l < 360deg)
Galactic Latitude
(-40 ≤ b ≤ 40deg)
Seaching Radius
(radius ≤10deg)

Note: About 3x3 deg² around the cataloged coordinates will be displayed.

cloud name image

Cloud Number in Our Catalog

(Dobashi et al. 2005,PASJ,vol.57,SP1,pp.S1-S386)

in High Resolution Map, or
in Low Resolution Map

Clouds in Other Catalogs


(Give cloud names summarized by Dutra & Bica 2002, A&A, 383, 613)

(e.g., LDN 1251)

(2)Display Av Map
Display Av Map? Yes No

Select Map Type

Select Color Table

Set Av Range to Display
Auto ([Min,Max] in data)
Manual Min.=(mag) Max.=(mag)

Draw contours?
Yes, at the fixed levels of Av=0.3,0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,...(mag)
Yes, at the levels of (mag)
(Give contour levels in mag, separated by comma)

(3)Display the Catalog
Display the Catalog? Yes No

Select Catalog Type


Show plots on Av map?

Show labels on Av map?

Display associated clouds in other catalogs?